Imagine if you could tap into your spiritual gifts, access past lives, & discover your Soul purpose, all while experiencing LIFE-CHANGING shifts!

Discover your Soul gifts, repair your karma, and help your clients or others do the same!


Rewrite your karma & uncover your past lives. In just 4 weeks you will learn to:

🌌 Access the Akashic Records with 2 different methods!

🌌 Enhance your clairvoyance abilities!

🌌 Access and amend your past lives!

🌌 Expand your spiritual potential!

🌌 Rewrite your karma!

🌌 Look at potential future opportunities!

🌌 Gain a deeply healing, spiritual experience.

Each week, you will get pre-recorded lessons, third eye expansion meditations, workbooks, and LIVE energy healings to support you on your journey in this vast energetic & spiritual realm!

Akashic Alchemy will teach you how to access, open, read, and amend the Akashic Records (a spiritual database that contains information on everything that has ever happened in our world) for yourself and others.

Unlike a past life regression, with the Akashic Records, you can actually AMEND the energy in this expansive energetic database to bring your current self closure and amend personal and family karma.

After taking this course you will have everything you need to start offering Akashic Records readings in your spiritual business.

PDF Certificate of Completion is included so you can take the next step in your business and offer Akashic Records readings!

Recorded Lessons & Clairvoyance Activations

Pre-recorded lessons will guide you through each module so you can learn how to access, open, read, and amend the Akashic Records for spiritual development.

Weekly Live-video Meetings

The weekly live-video meetings will be a mix of energy healings, discussion time, card pulls, and a Q & A format. They will be recorded if you cannot make the live.

Weekly Workbooks

You will receive weekly workbooks to help you reflect and stay on track.

Stefanie Ruth

Reiki Master, Best-selling Author

By accessing the Akashic Records, I gained insights that helped me become a #1 best-selling author!

Yep, you read that right! I was at a crossroads and wasn't sure which publisher I wanted to choose for my debut book. After reading my Akashic Records, I was able to narrow down the soul-aligned publishing company that was right for me. After following through with that decision, my book shot to the #1 spot on Amazon within 24 hours of the pre-order link going live.

That is the power of the Akashic Records. It gives you the information that your Soul wants you to know and helps you gain Soul-level insights that help you improve your relationships, manifest your destiny, and follow your Soul's purpose.

Here's my own story with the Akashic Records...

When I learned how to access, read, and amend my Akashic Records, I felt a deep connection to my Soul. I was finally able to understand my calling and life's purpose. I became aware of generational patterns and self-limiting beliefs that held me back from achieving my goals, and in doing so, I gained the confidence to take aligned action to reach my highest timeline. Learning to read the Akashic Records led to life-changing realizations and profound, Soul-level healing!

Client Love

"What an incredible program!!! I'm so glad I decided to pursue becoming an Akashic Records Practicioner. Stefanie's program was very detailed, organized, and so informative. I feel so confident with my skills after completing her Akashic Alchemy and accessing the records. I have seen tremendous growth from myself over the past 4 weeks with my intuitive and clarivoyance abilites, it's amazing! Stefanie has helped me to trust, have faith, and be confident. I'm still blown away with what I have discovered through the records so far and all the healing that has come from it. Thank you again Stefanie for creating a program to truly help others heal on such a deep, deep level. Grateful for you!" -Kasey G.

"The Akashic Alchemy course was such a transformational, freeing, and healing experience! Stefanie created a safe, supportive, and sacred space where I felt free to express myself. As someone who has trouble speaking in front of others, I felt so supported while sharing my experiences in the weekly live video group meetings. This course has allowed me to dance again (something I love, but haven’t done in years)! I feel lighter and more at peace, and I am so inspired to further my healing journey by continuing to access and amend my Akashic records. I absolutely loved this course!! -Shari

"Stefanie and Akashic Alchemy changed my life! Tapping into my Akashic record has opened up so many doorways in my life and healed so many paths of my past. It has transformed my relationship with self and I feel so in tune with my souls mission here on earth. Not only did it empower and connect me, but it opened up several new connections to spirit guides. The psychic practices helped me develop my Clair’s and I feel more confident in my channeling abilities. Stef has such a beautiful way of teaching these profound topics and she holds such an amazing space of nurturing compassion. Through her course, I am not able to read for my clients and help them rewrite their own lives. I would definitely recommend working with Stef if you want to dive deeper into your connection to spirit, the Akashic, or your soul mission." -W.